Saturday, December 12, 2009

Jas, the ultimate faker.

To put it mildly, Jas is undergoing a severe identity crisis. Although we do not know it until later in the book, he is a white boy trying to fit in with a bunch of immigrants trying to fit in in a new country. That is pretty weak. I really can find no way to explain why a white and, I assume, non foreigner who does well in school and seems to have a bright future ahead of him would throw everything away to try to fit in with a bunch of good for nothing troublesome thugs with no hopes for a future anywhere other than jail.
To me, this question is so hard to explain that I almost wonder if Malkani, in an attempt to finish the book once it started to drag on, went back in the book and edited out some of the parts about him being of Indian descent so as to allow for the "shocking twist at end." I know that sounds ridiculous, but to be perfectly honest I just don't see how Jas being white can fit into the story. It was a little out there to begin with, but I still was able to justify most of what he was doing. A story about immigrant children trying fit in is one thing, but with the turn of Jas being white, everything he had convinced me of just went out the window. I do not know his intents, but whatever they were they ruined the book for me.

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